Gianluca Demartini
building Data Scientists since 2014

Given Talks

I am currently supported by the ACM Distinguished Speakers program which covers travel costs for invited talks. If you want to invite me for a talk under this scheme, please, get in touch.

Upcoming talks:

- 6 Jul 2024 - Artificial Intelligence with Humans in the Loop, ACM Distinguished Speaker talk for the GCU-ACM Student Chapter, Lahore, Pakistan.

Here you can find some slides of the talks and lectures I have given.

25 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the University of Udine, Italy.
21 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the University of Paudua, Italy. [video]
17 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Kiel, Germany.
12 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
5 Jun 2024 - On the Role of Large Language Models in Crowdsourcing Misinformation Assessment - ICWSM 2024, Buffalo, NY, USA.
8 Feb 2024 - Managing Bias in Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Data Science, AI and Research Data workshop organised by the Leibniz Association, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
15 Nov 2023 - Managing Bias in Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Data Science Discipline event, University of Queensland, Australia.
9 Nov 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
3 Nov 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Macao Conference on Smart City Technologies 2023, Macao.
6 Oct 2023 - Artificial Intelligence with Humans in the Loop, Keynote at the 6th ACM Future Worlds Symposium, Sacramento, California, US
15 Sep 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia.
18 Jul 2023 - The UQ Election Ad Data Dashboard - Invited talk at the UQ Cyber Security Research Conference 2023, Brisbane, Australia.
12 Jul 2023 - Measuring the Gender Gap: Attribute-based Class Completeness Estimation - Invited Talk at the Wikimedia Australia community meeting. [video]
11 Jul 2023 - Measuring the Gender Gap: Attribute-based Class Completeness Estimation - Invited Talk at the Workshop on Understanding Wikimedia as a Digital Media Platform co-located with the 2023 ADM+S Symposium, Sydney, Australia.
20 Jun 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at TU Delft, The Netherlands.
19 Jun 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the University of Pisa, Italy.
12 Jun 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Kiel, Germany.
26 Apr 2023 - Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence for Public Good - Invited talk at the Artificial intelligence and Medicine event at the Translational Research Institute Australia.
16 Jan 2023 - The impact of human assessors on judgements, labels, supervised models, and evaluation results - Dagstuhl Seminar 23031 on Frontiers of Information Access Experimentation for Research and Education.
19 Dec 2022 - Crowdsourced Fact-Checking at Twitter: How Does the Crowd Compare With Experts? - Invited talk at the University of Udine, Italy.
30 Nov 2022 - Bias in Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence - Invited talk at the University of Trieste, Italy.
12 Oct 2022 - The Source and the Effect of Biased Human Labels on Machine Learning Decisions - 4th Symposium on Biases in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (BHCC 2022).
8 Sep 2022 - The Anatomy of an AI system for Misinformation Detection, and Where Humans Fit in It - Dagstuhl Seminar 22361 on Challenges and Opportunities of Democracy in the Digital Society.
25 Aug 2022 - The Anatomy of an AI system for Misinformation Detection, and Where Humans Fit in It - UQ AI Seminar.
7 Jul 2022 - Bias in Human Annotations - Invited talk at the University of Udine, Itay.
4 Jul 2022 - Bias in Machine Learning - Invited talk at The Swiss Marketplace Group, Switzerland.
9 Jun 2022 - Bias in Knowledge Graphs - Invited talk at the Rakuten Institute of Technology, Japan.
26 May 2022 - The UQ Election Ad Data Dashboard - Invited talk at the Data, Information Sharing and Analytics (DISA) community of practice of the Queensland Government.
12 May 2022 - Ask me anything about Misinformation - Panelist at the event organized by UQ Artificial Intelligence.
11 May 2022 - Managing Truth in a Post Truth World - Panelist at the event Transforming the Future: Building Trustworthy and Ethical Organisations organized by the UQ Business School.
20 Feb 2022 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk for the GCU-ACM Student Chapter, Lahore, Pakistan. [video]
08 Jun 2021 - Increasing Transparency with Humans in the Loop - Dagstuhl Seminar 21231 on Transparency by Design.
03 Jun 2021 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at the University of Amsterdam.
31 May 2021 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at Bielefeld University and Paderborn University.
10 Apr 2021 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk for the ACM Student Chapter, Model Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET), Jammu, India.
11 Dec 2020 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at the Crowd Science Workshop at NeurIPS 2020. [video]
4 Dec 2020 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at CyCAT - Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency, Open University of Cyprus.
30 Nov 2020 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at TU Delft. [video]
17 Oct 2020 - The Role of Crowdsourcing in Fighting Online Misinformation, Truth and Trust Online (TTO) 2020.
06 Mar 2020 - Understanding Crowd Worker Behaviors, Research Seminar at The University of Melbourne, Australia.
27 Oct 2019 - Knowledge Graph Quality Management, Keynote at the Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA-2019) Workshop at ISWC 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.
10 Aug 2019 - Content moderators: the gatekeepers of social media - TEDxUQ, Brisbane, Australia.
24 Apr 2019 - Tracking User Behaviours: Laboratory-Based and In-The-Wild User Studies, Tutorial at DASFAA2019, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
17-21 Dec 2018 - Big Data Analytics (PhD course), University of Udine, Italy.
04 Jul 2018 - Human Factors and Bias in Crowdsourced Information Retrieval Evaluation, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
27 Jun 2018 - Human Factors and Bias in Crowdsourced Information Retrieval Evaluation, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
16 Oct 2017 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access, USI, Lugano, Switzerland.
25 Sep 2017 - Crowdsourcing for Data Management, course at the PhD School of the Australasian Database Conference (ADC) 2017, Brisbane, Australia.
21 Jun 2017 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk as keynote at the Second International Digital Transformation & Global Society Conference (DTGS'17), St Petersburg, Russia.
23 May 2017 - Human Factors in Crowdsourcing - Research Seminar at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
29 Mar 2017 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk, Accenture Latvia
09 Mar 2017 - The Gig Economy: Challenges and Opportunities - Festival of Science, Sheffield
17 Jan 2016 - FashionBrain: Understanding Europe’s Fashion Data Universe - Big Data PPP, Luxembourg
25 Nov 2016 - Hybrid Human-Machine Information Systems - Cross-faculty crowdsourcing workshop, U Sheffield
21 Nov 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - IR Group Research Seminar, U Glasgow
01 Nov 2016 - Crowdsourcing Relevance Assessments: The Unexpected Benefits of Limiting the Time to Judge, HCOMP 2016, Austin, Texas
07 Oct 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - Research Seminar, U Leeds
13 Sep 2016 - Crowdsourcing Quality Control - Facebook SRT Summit, London
21 Jun 2016 - Big Data: technical and analytical challenges - ESRC Big Data seminar series, U Sheffield
02 Jun 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - U Twente
22 May 2016 - It's Getting Crowded! How to Use Crowdsourcing Effectively for Web Science Research - Tutorial at WebSci 2016, Hanover, Germany
17 May 2016 - Using Crowdsourcing Effectively for Social Media Research - Tutorial at ICWSM 2016, Cologne, Germany
14 Apr 2016 - Scheduling Human Intelligence Tasks in Multi-Tenant Crowd-Powered Systems - WWW 2016, Montreal, Canada
05 Apr 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - Research Seminar, UCL
25 Nov 2015 - Crowdsourcing for Data Processing and Search - Half-day tutorial at Search Solutions 2015, London, UK
14 Nov 2015 - Improving the quality of crowdsourced annotations - Tutorial at at IEEE AINL-ISMW Conference, St Peterburg, Russia
13 Nov 2015 - Crowdsourcing for Entity-Centric Information Access - Keynote at IEEE AINL-ISMW Conference, St Peterburg, Russia
2 Nov 2015 - The Power of Big Data - Café Scientifique, Sheffield, UK
26 Sep 2015 - What is Big Data and Why Should We Care? - Mobile University, Sheffield, UK
22 Sep 2015 - Using n-gram statistics for grammatical correction and entity recognition - Facebook, London, UK
17 Sep 2015 - Measuring Research Quality Using Semantic-based Computational Methods - U Sheffield FSS Research Conference
4 Sep 2015 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - Keynote at KDWeb 2015, Cagliari, Italy
25-26 Aug 2015 - Leveraging Knowledge Graphs for Web Search - RuSSIR 2015, St Petersburg
15-19 Jun 2015 - Micro-task Crowdsourcing - PhD course, U Udine
2 Jun 2015 - Crowdsourcing is for the tail - ESWC 2015 Minute of Madness
14 Apr 2015 - No Respect for the Ontology: The case of DBpedia and Freebase - The 4th UK Ontology Network Meeting, U Leeds
20 Jan 2015 - The randomForest package - Sheffield R Users Group
17 Dec 2014 - MSc Data Science at the University of Sheffield - Open Data Science Meetup, U Sheffield
20 Nov 2014 - Entity-Centric Information Access - NLP Group seminar, U Sheffield
25 Sep 2014 - Human Computation: Machines are not enough - U Sheffield Ignite Academy 2014
8 Jul 2014 - Crowdsourcing is for the Tail - Dagstuhl Seminar 14282 on Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web
23 May 2014 - Human Computation for Big Data - CUSO Seminar on Big Data, U Fribourg
28 Feb 2014 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Data Analytics - iSchool, U Sheffield
13 Nov 2013 - Entities, Graphs, and Crowdsourcing for better Web Search - Invited talk at U Amsterdam.
22 Oct 2013 - Microtask crowdsourcing to solve Semantic Web problems - Full-day Tutorial at ISWC 2013.
23 Sep 2013 - Workshop on Crowd-Sourcing - Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg, Germany.
28 Aug 2013 - NoizCrowd: A Crowd-Based Data Gathering and Management System for Noise Level Data - MobiWIS 2013, Paphos, Cyprus.
03 Sep 2013 - Next-Generation Micro-task Crowdsourcing Platforms - Dagstuhl Seminar 13361 on Crowdsourcing: From Theory to Practice and Long-Term Perspectives
10 Jun 2013 - Entities, Graphs, and Crowdsourcing for better Web Search - Seminar at USI, Lugano, Switzerland.
26 May 2013 - Crowdsourcing for the Semantic Web - Full-day Tutorial at ESWC 2013.
08 Jan 2013 - Pick-a-Crowd: Tell Me What You Like, and I'll Tell You What to Do - CIDR 2013 Gong show
09 Jan 2013 - CrowdQ: Crowdsourced Query Understanding - CIDR 2013
14 Nov 2012 - CrowdQ: Crowdsourced Query Understanding - ISWC 2012 Lightning Talks
26 Apr 2012 - Getting Semantics from the Crowd - Dagstuhl Seminar on Semantic Data Management, Dagstuhl, Germany
19 Apr 2012 - ZenCrowd: Leveraging Probabilistic Reasoning and Crowdsourcing Techniques for Large-Scale Entity Linking - WWW 2012, Lyon, France
01 Apr 2012 - From Expert Finding to Entity Search on the Web - Tutorial at ECIR 2012, Barcelona
29 Mar 2012 - ZenCrowd: Leveraging Probabilistic Reasoning and Crowdsourcing Techniques for Large-Scale Entity Linking - DIUF talk, Fribourg, Switzerland
27 Oct 2011 - An Integrated Socio-Technical Crowdsourcing Platform for Accelerating Returns in eScience - ISWC 2011 Outrageous Ideas
26 Oct 2011 - ScienceWISE: A Web-based Interactive Semantic Platform for Scientific Collaboration - ISWC 2011 Minute Madness
29 Jul 2011 - From People to Entities: Typed Search in the Enterprise and the Web - U Fribourg, DIUF talk
30 Jun 2011 - BowlognaBench-Benchmarking RDF Analytics - SIMPDA 2011
06 Apr 2011 - From People to Entities: Typed Search in the Enterprise and the Web - PhD Defense
06 Jan 2011 - Retrieving Entities in Wikipedia and in News Applications - MPII Saarbrucken
09 Nov 2010 - Introduction to Entity Search - Web Science 2010/2011
18 Jun 2010 - Exploiting Query Reformulations for Web Search Result Diversification - L3S Reading Group
31 May 2010 - Current Approaches to Search Result Diversification - 2nd Search Computing Workshop
26 Apr 2010 - Dear Search Engine: What's your opinion about...? - Semantic Search Workshop at WWW 2010
5 Mar 2010 - Meme-tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle - L3S Reading Group
12 Feb 2010 - Towards Estimation of Public Opinions from the Blogosphere - L3S Research Seminars
27 Nov 2009 - Entity Summarization Of News Articles - Internship talk @ Yahoo!Research Barcelona
23 Sep 2009 - Finding Entities and Tracing their Identity - Talk @ Yahoo!Research Barcelona
2 Sep 2009 - Current Approaches to Search Result Diversification - LivingKnowledge meeting
8 Apr 2009 - A Vector Space Model for Ranking Entities and Its Application to Expert Search - ECIR 2009
20 Mar 2009 - Effective Relevance Feedback for Entity Ranking - L3S Research Seminars
6 Feb 2009 - LivingKnowledge WP4 - Methods for Handling Bias and Diversity - LivingKnowledge Kickoff meeting
18 Dec 2008 - INEX 2008 Entity Ranking Track Discussion Report - INEX 2008
17 Dec 2008 - Overview of the INEX 2008 Entity Ranking Track - INEX 2008
/> 29 Oct 2008 - A Model for Ranking Entities and Its Application to Wikipedia - LA-WEB 2008
2 Jun 2008 - Entity Identifiers for Lineage Preservation - IRSW 2008
30 Mar 2008 - How Many Experts? - Workshop on Novel Methodologies for Evaluation in Information Retrieval at ECIR 2008
9 Mar 2008 - Entity Identifiers for Lineage Preservation - L3S Research Seminars
12 Nov 2007 - Finding Experts Using Wikipedia - FEWS 2007
09 Nov 2007 - Leveraging Semantic Technologies for Enterprise Search - PIKM 2007
10 Jul 2007 - SuggestBot: Using Intelligent Task Routing to Help People Find Work in Wikipedia - L3S Reading Group
10 Nov 2006 - An Overview of SSMS 2006 - L3S Research Seminars
08 Nov 2006 - Ranking Clusters for Web Search - L3S InfoLunch
02 Aug 2006 - Expert Search on TRECent W3C Mailing Lists: A First Approach - L3S InfoLunch
27 May 2006 - Safety Services Project - Microsoft Imagine Cup 2006 Italian Finals
09 May 2006 - Ranking Categories for Faceted Search - L3S Research Seminars
20 Jan 2006 - Average Distance Measure: An Evaluation Metrics For The IR - L3S Research Seminars
15 Dec 2005 - Una Metrica di Valutazione per l'Information Retrieval: Analisi Critica e Sperimentazioni - MSc Thesis
15 Jun 2005 - Average Distance Measure (in Italian)- WIR Course at U Udine
18 Dec 2003 - Algoritmo di Landau-Vishkin: implementazione - BSc Thesis

Gianluca Demartini, Ph.D.
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
University of Queensland

GP South Building, Staff House Road
St Lucia
QLD 4072 Australia

Office: +61 7 336 58325

Photo of Gianluca Demartini

Dr. Gianluca Demartini is an Associate Professor in Data Science at the University of Queensland, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His main research interests are Information Retrieval, Semantic Web, and Human Computation. His research has been supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the EU H2020 framework program, the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Facebook, Google, and the Wikimedia Foundation. He received Best Paper Awards at the ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR) in 2023, AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) in 2018 and at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) in 2016, the Best Short Paper Award at ECIR in 2020 and the Best Demo Award at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) in 2011. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications including papers at major venues such as WWW, ACM SIGIR, VLDBJ, ISWC, and ACM CHI.
He has given several invited talks, tutorials, and keynotes at a number of academic conferences (e.g., ISWC, ICWSM, WebScience, and the RuSSIR Summer School), companies (e.g., Facebook), and Dagstuhl seminars. He is a senior member of the ACM since 2020, an ACM Distinguished Speaker since 2015, and has been a TEDx speaker in 2019.
He serves as associate editor for the Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) Journal and as an editorial board member for the Information Retrieval journal. He is a steering committee member for the AAAI HCOMP conference. He was PC Chair for the ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR) in 2022. He was General co-Chair for the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2021. He was Crowdsourcing and Human Computation Track co-Chair at WWW 2018 and co-chair for the Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Track at ESWC 2015. He has been Senior Program Committee member for, among others, the ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), the ACM Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) Conference, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), and the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE). He co-organized several workshops and tutorials at international conferences as well as the Entity Ranking Track at the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval in 2008 and 2009.
Before joining the University of Queensland, he was Lecturer at the University of Sheffield in UK, post-doctoral researcher at the eXascale Infolab at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, visiting researcher at UC Berkeley, junior researcher at the L3S Research Center in Germany, and intern at Yahoo! Research in Spain. In 2011, he obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Leibniz University of Hanover focusing on Semantic Search.

Given Talks

I am currently supported by the ACM Distinguished Speakers program which covers travel costs for invited talks. If you want to invite me for a talk under this scheme, please, get in touch.

Upcoming talks:

- 6 Jul 2024 - Artificial Intelligence with Humans in the Loop, ACM Distinguished Speaker talk for the GCU-ACM Student Chapter, Lahore, Pakistan.

Here you can find some slides of the talks and lectures I have given.

25 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the University of Udine, Italy.
21 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the University of Paudua, Italy. [video]
17 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Kiel, Germany.
12 Jun 2024 - Humans or AI? Why not both! - Invited talk at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
5 Jun 2024 - On the Role of Large Language Models in Crowdsourcing Misinformation Assessment - ICWSM 2024, Buffalo, NY, USA.
8 Feb 2024 - Managing Bias in Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Data Science, AI and Research Data workshop organised by the Leibniz Association, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
15 Nov 2023 - Managing Bias in Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Data Science Discipline event, University of Queensland, Australia.
9 Nov 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
3 Nov 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Macao Conference on Smart City Technologies 2023, Macao.
6 Oct 2023 - Artificial Intelligence with Humans in the Loop, Keynote at the 6th ACM Future Worlds Symposium, Sacramento, California, US
15 Sep 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia.
18 Jul 2023 - The UQ Election Ad Data Dashboard - Invited talk at the UQ Cyber Security Research Conference 2023, Brisbane, Australia.
12 Jul 2023 - Measuring the Gender Gap: Attribute-based Class Completeness Estimation - Invited Talk at the Wikimedia Australia community meeting. [video]
11 Jul 2023 - Measuring the Gender Gap: Attribute-based Class Completeness Estimation - Invited Talk at the Workshop on Understanding Wikimedia as a Digital Media Platform co-located with the 2023 ADM+S Symposium, Sydney, Australia.
20 Jun 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at TU Delft, The Netherlands.
19 Jun 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the University of Pisa, Italy.
12 Jun 2023 - Building Resilient Data Pipelines - Invited talk at the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Kiel, Germany.
26 Apr 2023 - Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence for Public Good - Invited talk at the Artificial intelligence and Medicine event at the Translational Research Institute Australia.
16 Jan 2023 - The impact of human assessors on judgements, labels, supervised models, and evaluation results - Dagstuhl Seminar 23031 on Frontiers of Information Access Experimentation for Research and Education.
19 Dec 2022 - Crowdsourced Fact-Checking at Twitter: How Does the Crowd Compare With Experts? - Invited talk at the University of Udine, Italy.
30 Nov 2022 - Bias in Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence - Invited talk at the University of Trieste, Italy.
12 Oct 2022 - The Source and the Effect of Biased Human Labels on Machine Learning Decisions - 4th Symposium on Biases in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (BHCC 2022).
8 Sep 2022 - The Anatomy of an AI system for Misinformation Detection, and Where Humans Fit in It - Dagstuhl Seminar 22361 on Challenges and Opportunities of Democracy in the Digital Society.
25 Aug 2022 - The Anatomy of an AI system for Misinformation Detection, and Where Humans Fit in It - UQ AI Seminar.
7 Jul 2022 - Bias in Human Annotations - Invited talk at the University of Udine, Itay.
4 Jul 2022 - Bias in Machine Learning - Invited talk at The Swiss Marketplace Group, Switzerland.
9 Jun 2022 - Bias in Knowledge Graphs - Invited talk at the Rakuten Institute of Technology, Japan.
26 May 2022 - The UQ Election Ad Data Dashboard - Invited talk at the Data, Information Sharing and Analytics (DISA) community of practice of the Queensland Government.
12 May 2022 - Ask me anything about Misinformation - Panelist at the event organized by UQ Artificial Intelligence.
11 May 2022 - Managing Truth in a Post Truth World - Panelist at the event Transforming the Future: Building Trustworthy and Ethical Organisations organized by the UQ Business School.
20 Feb 2022 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk for the GCU-ACM Student Chapter, Lahore, Pakistan. [video]
08 Jun 2021 - Increasing Transparency with Humans in the Loop - Dagstuhl Seminar 21231 on Transparency by Design.
03 Jun 2021 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at the University of Amsterdam.
31 May 2021 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at Bielefeld University and Paderborn University.
10 Apr 2021 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk for the ACM Student Chapter, Model Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET), Jammu, India.
11 Dec 2020 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at the Crowd Science Workshop at NeurIPS 2020. [video]
4 Dec 2020 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at CyCAT - Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency, Open University of Cyprus.
30 Nov 2020 - Bias in Human-In-The-Loop Artificial Intelligence, Invited talk at TU Delft. [video]
17 Oct 2020 - The Role of Crowdsourcing in Fighting Online Misinformation, Truth and Trust Online (TTO) 2020.
06 Mar 2020 - Understanding Crowd Worker Behaviors, Research Seminar at The University of Melbourne, Australia.
27 Oct 2019 - Knowledge Graph Quality Management, Keynote at the Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA-2019) Workshop at ISWC 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.
10 Aug 2019 - Content moderators: the gatekeepers of social media - TEDxUQ, Brisbane, Australia.
24 Apr 2019 - Tracking User Behaviours: Laboratory-Based and In-The-Wild User Studies, Tutorial at DASFAA2019, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
17-21 Dec 2018 - Big Data Analytics (PhD course), University of Udine, Italy.
04 Jul 2018 - Human Factors and Bias in Crowdsourced Information Retrieval Evaluation, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
27 Jun 2018 - Human Factors and Bias in Crowdsourced Information Retrieval Evaluation, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
16 Oct 2017 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access, USI, Lugano, Switzerland.
25 Sep 2017 - Crowdsourcing for Data Management, course at the PhD School of the Australasian Database Conference (ADC) 2017, Brisbane, Australia.
21 Jun 2017 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk as keynote at the Second International Digital Transformation & Global Society Conference (DTGS'17), St Petersburg, Russia.
23 May 2017 - Human Factors in Crowdsourcing - Research Seminar at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
29 Mar 2017 - The Power of Big Data - ACM Distinguished Speaker talk, Accenture Latvia
09 Mar 2017 - The Gig Economy: Challenges and Opportunities - Festival of Science, Sheffield
17 Jan 2016 - FashionBrain: Understanding Europe’s Fashion Data Universe - Big Data PPP, Luxembourg
25 Nov 2016 - Hybrid Human-Machine Information Systems - Cross-faculty crowdsourcing workshop, U Sheffield
21 Nov 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - IR Group Research Seminar, U Glasgow
01 Nov 2016 - Crowdsourcing Relevance Assessments: The Unexpected Benefits of Limiting the Time to Judge, HCOMP 2016, Austin, Texas
07 Oct 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - Research Seminar, U Leeds
13 Sep 2016 - Crowdsourcing Quality Control - Facebook SRT Summit, London
21 Jun 2016 - Big Data: technical and analytical challenges - ESRC Big Data seminar series, U Sheffield
02 Jun 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - U Twente
22 May 2016 - It's Getting Crowded! How to Use Crowdsourcing Effectively for Web Science Research - Tutorial at WebSci 2016, Hanover, Germany
17 May 2016 - Using Crowdsourcing Effectively for Social Media Research - Tutorial at ICWSM 2016, Cologne, Germany
14 Apr 2016 - Scheduling Human Intelligence Tasks in Multi-Tenant Crowd-Powered Systems - WWW 2016, Montreal, Canada
05 Apr 2016 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - Research Seminar, UCL
25 Nov 2015 - Crowdsourcing for Data Processing and Search - Half-day tutorial at Search Solutions 2015, London, UK
14 Nov 2015 - Improving the quality of crowdsourced annotations - Tutorial at at IEEE AINL-ISMW Conference, St Peterburg, Russia
13 Nov 2015 - Crowdsourcing for Entity-Centric Information Access - Keynote at IEEE AINL-ISMW Conference, St Peterburg, Russia
2 Nov 2015 - The Power of Big Data - Café Scientifique, Sheffield, UK
26 Sep 2015 - What is Big Data and Why Should We Care? - Mobile University, Sheffield, UK
22 Sep 2015 - Using n-gram statistics for grammatical correction and entity recognition - Facebook, London, UK
17 Sep 2015 - Measuring Research Quality Using Semantic-based Computational Methods - U Sheffield FSS Research Conference
4 Sep 2015 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Information Access - Keynote at KDWeb 2015, Cagliari, Italy
25-26 Aug 2015 - Leveraging Knowledge Graphs for Web Search - RuSSIR 2015, St Petersburg
15-19 Jun 2015 - Micro-task Crowdsourcing - PhD course, U Udine
2 Jun 2015 - Crowdsourcing is for the tail - ESWC 2015 Minute of Madness
14 Apr 2015 - No Respect for the Ontology: The case of DBpedia and Freebase - The 4th UK Ontology Network Meeting, U Leeds
20 Jan 2015 - The randomForest package - Sheffield R Users Group
17 Dec 2014 - MSc Data Science at the University of Sheffield - Open Data Science Meetup, U Sheffield
20 Nov 2014 - Entity-Centric Information Access - NLP Group seminar, U Sheffield
25 Sep 2014 - Human Computation: Machines are not enough - U Sheffield Ignite Academy 2014
8 Jul 2014 - Crowdsourcing is for the Tail - Dagstuhl Seminar 14282 on Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web
23 May 2014 - Human Computation for Big Data - CUSO Seminar on Big Data, U Fribourg
28 Feb 2014 - Human Computation for Entity-Centric Data Analytics - iSchool, U Sheffield
13 Nov 2013 - Entities, Graphs, and Crowdsourcing for better Web Search - Invited talk at U Amsterdam.
22 Oct 2013 - Microtask crowdsourcing to solve Semantic Web problems - Full-day Tutorial at ISWC 2013.
23 Sep 2013 - Workshop on Crowd-Sourcing - Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg, Germany.
28 Aug 2013 - NoizCrowd: A Crowd-Based Data Gathering and Management System for Noise Level Data - MobiWIS 2013, Paphos, Cyprus.
03 Sep 2013 - Next-Generation Micro-task Crowdsourcing Platforms - Dagstuhl Seminar 13361 on Crowdsourcing: From Theory to Practice and Long-Term Perspectives
10 Jun 2013 - Entities, Graphs, and Crowdsourcing for better Web Search - Seminar at USI, Lugano, Switzerland.
26 May 2013 - Crowdsourcing for the Semantic Web - Full-day Tutorial at ESWC 2013.
08 Jan 2013 - Pick-a-Crowd: Tell Me What You Like, and I'll Tell You What to Do - CIDR 2013 Gong show
09 Jan 2013 - CrowdQ: Crowdsourced Query Understanding - CIDR 2013
14 Nov 2012 - CrowdQ: Crowdsourced Query Understanding - ISWC 2012 Lightning Talks
26 Apr 2012 - Getting Semantics from the Crowd - Dagstuhl Seminar on Semantic Data Management, Dagstuhl, Germany
19 Apr 2012 - ZenCrowd: Leveraging Probabilistic Reasoning and Crowdsourcing Techniques for Large-Scale Entity Linking - WWW 2012, Lyon, France
01 Apr 2012 - From Expert Finding to Entity Search on the Web - Tutorial at ECIR 2012, Barcelona
29 Mar 2012 - ZenCrowd: Leveraging Probabilistic Reasoning and Crowdsourcing Techniques for Large-Scale Entity Linking - DIUF talk, Fribourg, Switzerland
27 Oct 2011 - An Integrated Socio-Technical Crowdsourcing Platform for Accelerating Returns in eScience - ISWC 2011 Outrageous Ideas
26 Oct 2011 - ScienceWISE: A Web-based Interactive Semantic Platform for Scientific Collaboration - ISWC 2011 Minute Madness
29 Jul 2011 - From People to Entities: Typed Search in the Enterprise and the Web - U Fribourg, DIUF talk
30 Jun 2011 - BowlognaBench-Benchmarking RDF Analytics - SIMPDA 2011
06 Apr 2011 - From People to Entities: Typed Search in the Enterprise and the Web - PhD Defense
06 Jan 2011 - Retrieving Entities in Wikipedia and in News Applications - MPII Saarbrucken
09 Nov 2010 - Introduction to Entity Search - Web Science 2010/2011
18 Jun 2010 - Exploiting Query Reformulations for Web Search Result Diversification - L3S Reading Group
31 May 2010 - Current Approaches to Search Result Diversification - 2nd Search Computing Workshop
26 Apr 2010 - Dear Search Engine: What's your opinion about...? - Semantic Search Workshop at WWW 2010
5 Mar 2010 - Meme-tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle - L3S Reading Group
12 Feb 2010 - Towards Estimation of Public Opinions from the Blogosphere - L3S Research Seminars
27 Nov 2009 - Entity Summarization Of News Articles - Internship talk @ Yahoo!Research Barcelona
23 Sep 2009 - Finding Entities and Tracing their Identity - Talk @ Yahoo!Research Barcelona
2 Sep 2009 - Current Approaches to Search Result Diversification - LivingKnowledge meeting
8 Apr 2009 - A Vector Space Model for Ranking Entities and Its Application to Expert Search - ECIR 2009
20 Mar 2009 - Effective Relevance Feedback for Entity Ranking - L3S Research Seminars
6 Feb 2009 - LivingKnowledge WP4 - Methods for Handling Bias and Diversity - LivingKnowledge Kickoff meeting
18 Dec 2008 - INEX 2008 Entity Ranking Track Discussion Report - INEX 2008
17 Dec 2008 - Overview of the INEX 2008 Entity Ranking Track - INEX 2008
/> 29 Oct 2008 - A Model for Ranking Entities and Its Application to Wikipedia - LA-WEB 2008
2 Jun 2008 - Entity Identifiers for Lineage Preservation - IRSW 2008
30 Mar 2008 - How Many Experts? - Workshop on Novel Methodologies for Evaluation in Information Retrieval at ECIR 2008
9 Mar 2008 - Entity Identifiers for Lineage Preservation - L3S Research Seminars
12 Nov 2007 - Finding Experts Using Wikipedia - FEWS 2007
09 Nov 2007 - Leveraging Semantic Technologies for Enterprise Search - PIKM 2007
10 Jul 2007 - SuggestBot: Using Intelligent Task Routing to Help People Find Work in Wikipedia - L3S Reading Group
10 Nov 2006 - An Overview of SSMS 2006 - L3S Research Seminars
08 Nov 2006 - Ranking Clusters for Web Search - L3S InfoLunch
02 Aug 2006 - Expert Search on TRECent W3C Mailing Lists: A First Approach - L3S InfoLunch
27 May 2006 - Safety Services Project - Microsoft Imagine Cup 2006 Italian Finals
09 May 2006 - Ranking Categories for Faceted Search - L3S Research Seminars
20 Jan 2006 - Average Distance Measure: An Evaluation Metrics For The IR - L3S Research Seminars
15 Dec 2005 - Una Metrica di Valutazione per l'Information Retrieval: Analisi Critica e Sperimentazioni - MSc Thesis
15 Jun 2005 - Average Distance Measure (in Italian)- WIR Course at U Udine
18 Dec 2003 - Algoritmo di Landau-Vishkin: implementazione - BSc Thesis